Tag: attorney

Want a Better Law Practice in 2021? Make Things Simple 4 years ago

Legal retainer financing will make life easier for you and your clients post-pandemic.

2020 was a year none of us saw coming. The COVID-19 pandemic affected every business and industry on the planet. Your law practice is no exception. After several stalls, shutdowns, fits, and starts, the economy is still on pause as the Coronavirus continues to rage through the U.S.

Life has continued on, and people still need attorneys, but this shutdown has likely meant a lack of clients and work for your law practice. But with most economists believing 2021 is the year we turn things around (thanks to the vaccine and a new administration), now is the time to prepare and strategize. “This too shall pass”, and when it does you’re going to come out on top this time. When things return to normal, or when you figure out what the new normal is, it’s time to make things simple. 

Again, people still need attorneys. Human nature dictates they have still been making mistakes and starting legal disputes under quarantine. For example, millions of quarantined couples have experienced significant stress and pressure on their relationships. Expect divorce cases to skyrocket in 2021. Is there a simple way to capture that business? Yes. 

Make it simple and make it easy for them to say ‘yes’. 

If anything, we hope this time of isolation and reflection helped you take stock of just how cluttered and complicated you’ve been making things. With the economy turning back on, people will be searching for lawyers en mass. With the flood of people who will be searching, he with the easiest solution will win! Fortify, powered by iQualify Lending, makes things easy by offering your clients payment options that they can easily understand. 

Start using the Fortify software and you’ll have an easy, modern way to get new clients signed up when they come to you, As the attorney, you get paid upfront with both cash and financing options and get paid over time with an in-house payment option. iQualify attorneys get paid their full retainer on most of their cases without ever having to chase their clients for money or call them for payments. Why? They make things easy!

Clients will be under a lot of stress and confusion when the COVID-19 pandemic is over and they’re going to appreciate an easy solution to their payments. Legal fee financing takes the guesswork and headache of retainer payments off your clients’ minds and lets you start making more money, almost immediately.

Ready to see how it works? Let’s get started now. iQualify Lending will help you make your law practice easier for clients and making more money your new normal.

Attorneys are responding to Fortify...here's what they think 4 years ago

Legal retainer financing is a resounding success for attorneys in the know.

iQualify Lending has piqued interest among attorneys with our Fortify software and legal retainer financing. Recently we sent out an email survey campaign designed to find out about interest in attorney financing. The responses are in and the answer is…attorneys are very interested in legal retainer financing products but aren’t exactly sure what Fortify is.

Out of 500 emails, over 400 responded they would be interested in legal retainer financing products. So, what exactly is our legal lending software and what does it do?

Fortify allows attorneys to offer a client every option to hire them, upfront then manages those payment plans – collecting up to 93 cents on the dollar for the cases. 

Attorneys don’t want to put clients on payment plans, but clients need options that fit their budget. They’re looking for an affordable way to hire an affordable expert to win their case. This problem is so universal that 66% of clients leave their first meeting without a clear understanding of how to pay the attorney for their case moving forward. As a result, the first attorneys often become the baseline for the client to shop around and find a better price. But if the client specifically says “I can’t afford that, can you work something out?”, then the attorney only has one option – offer a  payment plan. The client is looking for the lowest payment and/or to spread payments out over a set amount of time. As a result, your firm becomes the bank – and that’s bad news for attorneys managing their own retainer plans. 

Jason Brown and Josh Utesch began iQualify Lending with a mind for finance, but a heart for legal and the belief in what can happen when those two things meet. “Turns out”, Jason says, “attorneys have never had options like this before. We realized most of them are putting clients on payment plans and, to no one’s surprise, they’re not very good at collecting. It’s hard being counselor and collection agent to the same client. But those same attorneys using our retainer financing tools with Fortify are enjoying up to a 30% raise, for the exact same clients.” 

With a product as unique as Fortify, other legal retainer financiers are hoping you will assume cost is the only difference between them and iQualify. But retainer financing alone won’t solve the problem – not even close. There is no other program out there that will make it easier to get hired, get paid, and get out of the collections business, once and for all. Think about that for a second. We help you convert more potential clients, get you paid, and take you out of the collections business once and for all. What are you waiting for?

Tired of chasing your clients for money? Not anymore. Get hired. Get paid. Get Fortify.

What Lawyers Need to Do in 2020: Make Things Simple 4 years ago

Be ready to have legal retainer financing in place and make life easier for your clients post-pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every business and industry on the planet. Your law practice is no exception. The economy is on pause for the time being, and this likely means a lack of clients and work for many attorneys. Now is the time to prepare and strategize. “This too shall pass”, and when it does you’re going to come out on top this time. When things return to normal, or when you figure out what the new normal is, it’s time to make things simple. 

We are seeing people needing lawyers more and more as social distancing ends. Human nature dictates people have still been making mistakes and having legal disputes under quarantine. With the stay-at-homes mostly lifted, people are going back out in droves (and having accidents). Millions of quarantined couples have experienced significant stress and pressure on their relationships. Once the fog from this year is lifted, expect divorce cases to skyrocket. Is there a simple way to capture that business? Yes. 

The power of making things simple: Make a clear path and make it easy for them to say ‘yes’. 

If anything, we hope this time of isolation and reflection helped you take stock of just how cluttered and complicated you’ve been making things. With the economy turning back on, people will be searching for lawyers en mass. With the flood of people who will be searching, he with the easiest solution will win! Fortify, powered by iQualify Lending, makes things easy by offering your clients payment options that they can easily understand. 

Start using the Fortify software and you’ll have an easy, modern way to get new clients signed up when they come to you, As the attorney, you get paid upfront with both cash and financing options and get paid over time with an in-house payment option. iQualify attorneys get paid their full retainer on most of their cases without ever having to chase their clients for money or call them for payments. Why? They make things easy!

Clients will be under a lot of stress and confusion when the COVID-19 pandemic is over and they’re going to appreciate an easy solution to their payments. Legal fee financing takes the guesswork and headache of retainer payments off your clients’ minds and lets you start making more money, almost immediately.

Ready to see how it works? Let’s get started now. iQualify Lending will help you make your law practice easier for clients and making more money your new normal.

Who’s in Control of Your Law Practice? 4 years ago

Has your quality of life as an attorney improved over the years?

Think back to when you started your law practice five, ten, or 15 years ago. Do you remember where you were in life? Do you remember what that felt like? Were you struggling, but happy? Were you still single or newly married? Were you financially stable or could you barely scrape together two nickels? You may have been flying by the seat of your pants, but it felt like you were in control. Now, look at your practice today. Are you still in control? Ask yourself, “Has the grind paid off?” or has it just ground you down? 

For most attorneys, this nostalgia trap is just that…a trap. What happened to you over the course of your practice revealed you aren’t actually in control, but a passive participant in the story of your practice. Yes, you took the steps to build your practice, but it was built one step at a time, and often by falling into things– finding solutions while trying to solve problems. You likely didn’t stick to the blueprints you had set in your mind. 

Being in control isn’t the same as hard work. The story of your practice unfolded over the course of many years and lots of hard work. You got leads, you got clients, you got a Carol or other staff, you put in time and energy and, before you knew it, your practice grew into its current state. If we rewound all of those years of effort…are you where you thought you would be? Are you better off now, even with where you were then, or worse? 

If you’re seeing your efforts pay off in a big way, cheers to you. And if you’re not, it could be because you don’t have the tools to make the job easier. You’re not in control. So, when it comes to your client retainer financing, we’ve made it easy to fix that.

Fortify starts working immediately to change your cash flow and improve your quality of life!

Don’t misunderstand: you should be very proud of the practice you’ve built. You did it! You hired the right people, you grew your caseload, established a reputation in your community…but as a result, you grew your stress, your commitment to work increased, you found yourself spending more time away from your family, maybe you got a divorce because you’re married to you practice because someone has to pay the bills, etc. You’ve lost control of your life while building your business.

THAT is the problem iQualify Lending is solving with Fortify. We can’t help you control your caseload or answer your phone for you like Carol…. But we can control how you get paid, and fixing the money part of your life fixes a significant portion of everything else. If we can fix your payment problems immediately and start making you 95 cents on the dollar for every transaction…what does your practice look like then or in five, ten, or 15 years?

How does Fortify help you take back control of your life?

Think about all the tools you use every day, that you depend on. If you didn’t have Clio your life would be completely different right now. Or maybe G-Suite is your lifeline, or you could never do your job without Findlaw. We are a byproduct of the tools we use to solve our problems. The best of these tools make your life more functional, more organized…But most tools are meant to navigate your day, not exactly navigate your business.

Fortify, by iQualify, takes away your need to overthink everything and makes getting hired, and getting paid -simple. It allows you to present payment plans in a way that allows up to 66% more of your clients to say yes to hiring you. And because we offer true retainer financing plans and manage all of your in-house payment plans – you can get paid in full more often without any of the headaches of chasing clients for money. Yes, the Fortify software provides the path and does the work in clearing that path, making the way for the next chapter in the story of your practice. 

When the Law Business Returns to Normal, Make Things Simple. 5 years ago

Be ready to have legal retainer financing in place and make life easier for your clients.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every business and industry on the planet. Your law practice is no exception. The economy is on pause for the time being, and this likely means a lack of clients and work for many attorneys. Now is the time to prepare and strategize. “This too shall pass”, and when it does you’re going to come out on top this time. When things return to normal, or when you figure out what the new normal is, it’s time to make things simple. 

People are going to need attorneys more than ever when social distancing ends. Human nature dictates they are still making mistakes and having legal disputes under quarantine. When the stay-at-homes are lifted, partygoers will go back to the bars in droves (and have accidents). Millions of quarantined couples are experiencing significant stress and pressure on their relationships. Once the shelter in place is lifted, expect divorce cases to skyrocket. Is there a simple way to capture that business? Yes. 

The power of making things simple: Make a clear path and make it easy for them to say ‘yes’. 

If anything, this time of isolation and reflection can help you take stock of just how cluttered and complicated you’ve been making things. When the economy turns back on, people will be searching for lawyers en mass. With the flood of people who will be searching, he with the easiest solution will win! Fortify, powered by iQualify Lending, makes things easy by offering your clients payment options that they can easily understand. 

Start using the Fortify software and you’ll have an easy, modern way to get new clients signed up when they come to you, As the attorney, you get paid upfront with both cash and financing options and get paid over time with an in-house payment option. iQualify attorneys get paid their full retainer on most of their cases without ever having to chase their clients for money or call them for payments. Why? They make things easy!

Clients will be under a lot of stress and confusion when the COVID-19 pandemic is over and they’re going to appreciate an easy solution to their payments. Legal fee financing takes the guesswork and headache of retainer payments off your clients’ minds and lets you start making more money, almost immediately.

Ready to see how it works? Let’s get started now. iQualify Lending will help you make your law practice easier for clients and making more money your new normal.

An Attorney's Worst Nightmare 5 years ago

Does this story sound familiar?

As attorneys, we’ve all been in this situation before: your heart sinks as you receive an email from your payment processor stating your client’s monthly retainer payment of $400 has been declined, disputed, or—worst of all—charged back, returned, etc. The disputed amount gets taken out of your account immediately and you’re left with no recourse to prove the charge was authorized. Even if you do provide proof, you have to wait up to three months to see that money returned. 

These kinds of financial nightmares occur all the time. It doesn’t seem, at first, like they have that large of an impact on your bottom line. But after it happens to you several times in a month, you start to feel panicked. It starts to make an impact on your life, from paying bills to making rent. Is this your new, terrifying status quo? Aren’t lawyers supposed to be financially secure? Chasing payments and going after clients to get paid is not the job you took the bar exam for. 

You might resolve many of these issues over time, but as they start stacking up you feel like the nightmare will never end. Dealing with legal lending challenges and going after retainer payments causes a “bad vibes” avalanche that, if left to snowball, can spread and cover all aspects of your life…affecting your staff, the family you go home to, and your caseload of other clients that are paying on time. Everyone has to get paid and you’re carrying the stress of how that happens.

The byproduct of all this instability is that fear and desperation can set in. Fear is why we’ve all made the mistake of trying to milk every client upfront. Losing clients to cost leads to desperation, desperation leads to frustration, and clients can sense it. The avalanche spreads…This happens daily, all across the country, in firms and practices both big and small. Older, established firms deal with it and new, hardworking young lawyers deal with it too. The legal retainer financing problem plagues all. However, the smartest attorneys—the ones who keep searching, learning, and pursuing ways to improve their careers—all seem to land on the same solution for the problem. They’ve found the holy grail of legal payment management. They’ve found iQualify Lending. 

iQualify, powered by Fortify, will cure your retainer financing headache once and for all. You’ll be able to get back to doing what you were meant to do…practice law. iQualify provides a legal lending solution that attorneys across America are using daily to sign more clients, make more money, and get rid fo the stress of chasing clients for money. It’s affordable and can start fixing your practice’s financial problems immediately. Our client payment management system builds a structure of financial stability in your practice. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the change iQualify brings to your business frees up time and is the key to moving forward and conquering your law practice without fear!

Achieving financial stability for your law practice with iQualify is a three-step process. 

  • Step 1: you sign up and get the Fortify software
  • Step 2: getting clients signed up, stress melts away
  • Step 3: financial stability and YOU practicing law, not collections 

Ready to see how it works? Reach out to us right now and see for yourself how iQualify Lending can vanquish your fears, make you more money, and get you on the path to success today.